khloe kardashian plastic surgery

Khloe Kardashian Before and After Photos

It’s All in the Kardashians

If there ever was a family who was perpetually surrounded by speculation and drama, it would have to be the Kardashian’s. Which is not to say that the family is unlike the rest of ours totally because a lot of their problems simply come from the fact that they are famous and in front of a camera 23 hours of the day. Regardless, speculation it is and the recent offerings of the rumor mill swirl around an issue none other than Khloe Kardashian plastic surgery and it’s a good one too, better believe it.

“I’m proud of myself. I could break and go get all this plastic surgery and get my nose fixed and get lipo or do whatever, but I haven’t chosen to do that because I know I’m a great person. I’m pretty damn hot, if you ask me.”

Khloe Kardashian was born into a particular prominence that was of the perfect fodder for transforming her and her family into a full-blown celebrity machine and with this fact, it made for the best timing for television, large in part to the reality series gold rush that the world has been infatuated with for more than a decade now.

The Kardashians = The Rapture is Only At Least 10 years Away

The Kardashian fever first came into action following the sudden popularity of Kim Kardashian, Khloe’s sister, whose mere lifestyle apparently made for celebrity worthiness. One thing led to another and the whole family jumped on the bandwagon to form what we have today, The Kardashians and we wouldn’t have it any other way now would we?….Would we?

There might be a chance that Khloe’s curiosity of plastic surgery might have been forged by her older sister kim’s past procedures or it could simply be that she is a Kardashian, which signifies a birthright to be be vain and to also have 90% of the brain consumed by vanity or at least vanity related things. It is also known that other members of the family have most likely gotten procedures done in the past as well.

Out of the entire family, Khloe has been the one to particularly be vocal in the efforts of showing an anti-plastic surgery stance but when the public got their first glimpse of a Khloe with an altered appearance, the cries of hypocrite soon reared into the picture, with a vigor and with a force.

The before and afters say it all, there was a [articular sudden change in her hairline that met up with a change in her forehead and even her nose had varied ever so slightly, yet it was apparent. Her lips also took on a fuller more plump likeness that couldn’t be ignored.

Her hairline obviously had been pulled back a tad, revealing a tighter more vibrant forehead then she has ever appeared to have before. The surgery in question was done in a very ideal manner, very professional and for a Kardashian, the best of the best always.

The 40 Yard Kardash

Her nose showed a slight change in it’s width and possibly in the the length but it might just been a visual trick due to some of her new changes. The bridge was definitely altered, giving way to a thinner and more feminine quality, which was of the obvious.

The lips are slightly in question but they do seem to give off the classic Botox signals which we are so used to since the days when we first were introduced to it and it’s sudden popularity. They also looked visibly wider and definetly going for that Liv Tyler thing that Khloe apparently still thinks is cool.

Under the Knife Points: The Procedure Checklist

  • Hairline surgery
  • Browlift
  • Botox
  • Rhinoplasty

Khloe the Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian plastic surgery in all aspects looked like very well done, with a vibrancy of skill and professionalism that shows immensely. The way it is looking, the Kardashians may forever elude the botch. This speaks volumes about a power degree in the pecking order of the world and lifestyles of the rich and famous.
